Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday sports

Saturday is a working day for most of us working in NGOs here in India.  This weekend there is a team meeting, a quarterly gathering of the SPREAD field-workers to discuss project progress, plans, training they've received etc plus the opportunity for everyone to get together.  This is easier said than done when many of them live and work in very remote locations so it's good for them to meet up every few months in Koraput.  These meetings are very different to anything I have experienced in the UK.  When over 40 people have to gather in a small office I wondered how we'd all fit in but there was not problem as everyone just sits on the floor.  There are periodic breaks when everyone starts singing traditional tribal songs and clapping.  I can do the clapping bit but the rest is beyond me at the moment.  We could learn something from this meeting style in the UK, everyone is much more relaxed and wanting to join in and actually look forward to coming to meetings.  I've been in and out of the meeting, most of which is conducted in Oriya and some of the tribal languages but couldn't resist taking a few photos during breaks. 

My lunch, served on a jungle-leaf plate.  The ultimate in sustainable living and a darn sight easier than washing up in cold water

The lure of cricket doesn't go away.  This is a combination of project coordinators, accountants, the NGO director and a bunch of local kids

One of the other things I bought in the sports shop in Bhubaneswar on my way to Koraput was a ring which proved a hit on the office-roof.

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